Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Angiosperms
Family: Myrsinaceae
Genus: Embelia
Species: ribes
False Black pepper is botanically known as Embelia Ribes, belongs to the Myrsinaceae family. It is a large woody tropical forest scandent shrub that has gland dotted leaves and slender branches. The stem of this plant is whitish gray and the roots are brownish gray. The fruits are smooth, small with reddish seeds.
The dried fruits have various medicinal properties like anti-helminthic, anti-carminative, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antidiuretic, and anti-astringent properties. This herbal plant is widely grown in the evergreen and semi-evergreen forests of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and China.
Health Benefits
- Consuming the decoction prepared by using false black pepper twice a day provides better relief from fungal infections.
- False black pepper also helps to treat all stomach-related problems.
- In Ayurveda, the false black pepper is used to remove stomach worms.
- Using the false black pepper, jaggery, and Himalayan salt mixture provides better relief from eyebrow and forehead pain.
- Traditionally, it is also used to treat elephantiasis.
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