Indrajav’s scientific name is Holarrhena Antidysenterica, and it is a flowering plant that comes under the Apocynaceae family. The Indrajav plant is mainly grown in the Indian subcontinent, China, Indochina, and central South Africa. It is a deciduous and small tree with soft bark. This plant produces tiny white flowers that look like a drop of snow. The seeds of the Indrajav plant are fully covered with fur that helps to protect the seeds. The Indrajav plant leaves provide a blue color known as Pala Indigo. The Indrajav Seeds have anti-emetic, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, antipyretic, anti-fungal, and many other medicinal properties.
Health Benefits
- The Indrajav Seeds are an excellent remedy for amoebic diarrhea.
- These seeds act as an analgesic that relieves abdominal pain.
- It helps to prevent many kidney diseases.
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