Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Mucuna
Species: M. pruriens
Binomial name: Mucuna pruriens
The botanical name of the velvet bean is Mucuna pruriens, it is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs. The other common names of this herbal plant are Cowhage, Cowitch, Nescafe, Kapikachu, Sea bean. It is a tropical legume, which is widely cultivated in tropical Asia and Africa.
There are two types of velvet beans such as black velvet bean and white velvet bean. Both have numerous health benefits, in which black velvet beans are highly used by people. It is rich in lipids, proteins, minerals, and other nutrients. These beans are also popularly used to feed fish, poultry, and Cattles. Due to its medicinal properties, it is also widely used in the medical system since ancient times.
Health Benefits
- Black velvet bean has a huge amount of alkaloids that increase testosterone, it helps to increase the sperm count.
- It is a natural stress buster. Regular consumption of black velvet beans will protect against the effect of stress.
- People who are suffering from degenerative disorders can consume this bean, it will slow down the process and reduce the risk of degenerative disorders.
- Black velvet bean helps to maintain a healthy digestive system, it promotes smooth muscle contractions.
- It will effectively lower the blood sugar level, so this bean gives more benefits in diabetes treatment.
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